Robert Kirkman is a busy man. That, my friends, is the understatement of 2011. That’s like saying Michael Jordan was good at basketball. The Image Comics executive and force behind the Image-imprint known as SkyBound Comics, has churned out idea after idea and has worked alongside many an artist on his creative journeys thus far, this time teaming up with pal Jason Howard on their latest comic book creation.
Kirkman has penned a range of Image titles, from Battle Pope to the über popular zombie apocalypse, The Walking Dead. Recently, Kirkman and Howard concluded work on one of my personal favorites, The Astounding Wolf-Man. With finale issue #25 come and gone from store shelves and season 1 of The Walking Dead television show in the books, Kirkman found the time to work on yet another weapon in the Image arsenal. At last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, I interviewed Jason Howard who informed Why So Blu that both he and Kirkman were working on a brand new comic book, though details at the time were kept to an absolute minimum.
Well, the cat’s out of the bag now and the duo’s secret has now gone public as their newest title will be Super Dinosaur. Hey, when you have a cigar-smoking, womanizing man of the cloth taking on Satan’s minions (Battle Pope), you’ve already passed the point of no return, so why not go for broke? Honestly, that’s no knock to Kirkman and Howard’s latest work involving an armed-to-the-teeth reptile (and let’s not forget about those teeth!). I’m looking forward to what sounds like an action-filled, fast-paced, rocket-toting romp through Kirkman and Howard’s imagination. Look for Super Dinosaur from Image/SkyBound this spring!
The post From Walking Dead to Big Lizard appeared first on Why So Blu?.